Thursday 23 August 2012

Famous Marijuana Quotes

Marijuana also known as hemp or Cannabis is indigenous to Central America, China, and North Western Himalayas in India. It is a tranquilizer or relaxant that is said to have hallucinating effects. It is a naturally occurring substance and is chemically known as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. The mental and physiological effect of Marijuana is attributed to the cannabinoids present along with the extract, the leaf or flower part of the plant that is used for smoking.

Marijuana Quotes for and against 

Although the plant has many therapeutical uses as it is largely used for reducing pain in cancer and AIDS patients, the cultivation of the plant is outlawed in many countries. It is partially lawful in many other countries like California and a handful of others to cultivate Marijuana. As the government law is disapproved by Arnold Schwarzenegger who says that “That is not a drug. It’s a leaf”, the cultivation is partially lawful in California as it is favored by the Marijuana quote of Arnold.
Other famous Marijuana quotes of several respected personalities like that of Thomas Jefferson says, “If the people let government decide which food and which medicines they should take then the state of their body will be as poor as the souls under tyranny”. Another famous quote is that of George Washington who says, “Make the most of Indian hemp seed and sow it everywhere”. Another great personality is Ron Paul whose Marijuana quote is an urge towards quitting the use of Marijuana. He says “I would absolutely never use Federal Government to enforce the law of using Marijuana”. Barrack Obama who speaks about the use of Marijuana as something which is non-prohibitive says, “When I was a kid I inhaled frequently. That was the point”.

Then there are the Marijuana quotes of surgeons and physicians who have felt the relaxing effect of the drug in relieving the pain of cancer and AIDS patients as something which need to stay and not eliminated from the earth. As one of the famous surgeons of United States, Mr. Jocelyn Elders put down, “Marijuana is beneficial to patients”. The quote which has led many people to give a thumbs up to Marijuana, is the quote from the Bible which says, “And God said, behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of the earth and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed, to you it shall be for meat”.

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